President of the Board
an admirer of lifelong learning – both traditional and modern, with the use of digital technologies. A supporter of volunteering and face-to-face meetings and conversations between people and people.
Author, coordinator and implementer of educational and cultural projects, including:
- “Great Poles – unknown inventors” – a series of films about great personalities of Polish science,
- “Bravo Polish” – a series of films promoting the correct Polish language,
- “More than a picture – feel painting with all your senses” – an educational project in the field of visual arts and Polish painting,
- „Academy of Dialogue Leaders of the AGERE AUDE Foundation”,
- „Young people can do it!” – good practices in the participation of young citizens in urban policies at the local and regional level,
- “I speak and godom” – an educational project for children and youth, promoting the culture of Silesia,
- “Between interaction and innovation – creating communication space in the digital world” – an international project in cooperation with universities from Lithuania, Malta and Cyprus and the University of Silesia,
- “INauczyciel – media and information education as a tool for professional and personal development of teachers” – a series of training for teachers to strengthen their digital competences,
- “International Speech Therapy Conference – Speech Fluid Disorders – theory and practice” (4 editions),
- “Dialog without barriers – LogoLAB” – an international project in cooperation with the University of Silesia and the Arctic University in Tromso (Norway);
- Mission Participation. Young citizen podcasters – A project in collaboration with the Terram Pacis Foundation from Oslo and SZAFKE from Satu Mare.
Member of the Board of the AGERE AUDE Knowledge and Social Dialogue Foundation and the Silesian Marketing Society. He specializes in creating communication strategies, storytelling and marketing in social media. He conducts text creation classes with students of Promotional and Crisis Communication at the University of Silesia. A graduate of the University of Silesia in Katowice – Polish philology and the Kozminski University in Warsaw – CSR. Responsible Business Strategy.